FOF is now simulcast every month in Bengaluru, New Delhi and Pune too. Click here to know more about FOF and subscribe… Financial Opportunities Forum: December 10, 2015 Airline stocks have not delivered decent double digit returns for investors. However, there are exceptions to this trend...
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In this presentation, Raunak Onkar discusses Exponential Technologies available today, that multiply under the radar and how their confluence eventually grows big enough to disrupt well established business models. This is the template in which technology progresses from invention to...
Power sector and its menace in India India is a power deficit country and despite this, there is rampant idle capacity, inefficient distribution companies and lack of payments by users to the electricity companies. The major issue facing power companies is late payment by users or...
Mr. Rajeev Thakkar talks about Amazon at Financial Opportunities Forum. Amazon is a gigantic e-commerce company that is built around strong moats such as huge volume, ware-housing capacity in different regions and around the globe and high market cap in the stock market. So, Is Walmart...
The Greece problem: Greece is running a high deficit at the government level and has borrowed from the IMF and European Central bank. The new government which has been elected was on the premise of no compromise with the creditors. However, the people of Greece, majority of them want a...