Are Business Families destined to fail across generations? It depends on who you ask. Raunak Onkar (Fund Manager & Research Head at PPFAS Mutual Fund) taps into the history of several business families in India & outside. He discusses the common themes for success & failure of business families. There are a lot of books & TV shows to learn from. It seems like a golden time for managing family wealth.

Raunak Onkar

Raunak tracks the Technology, Pharma & Media sectors at PPFAS Mutual Fund among others. Apart from his primary areas of research he has a wide variety of interests spanning across sectors & industries. Through his presentations he has covered diverse topics from Media, Pharma, Technology, Retail (online & offline), Telecom to topics like Disruption & Business Failures which synthesizes his reading interests. He brings in his observational style to the presentations which make them engaging & provide lots of resources for further research.

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